You can trust us to help you find the nursing staff that you need.
healthcare staff smiling

Our Company

Compassionate Hands Staffing Solutions LLC was established to help health facilities and businesses improve their services by having staff that can effectively do the job. Our pool of professionals are licensed and have undergone a proper screening process to ensure their integrity and ability to perform in their position.

We are here to take healthcare businesses’ worries about finding the right people so they can focus on other factors that they need to consider within their company. With our dedication to promoting quality healthcare, our clients can be assured that the professionals we provide are efficient and dynamic individuals capable of working with other medical and non-medical professionals.

Apart from our staffing services, we also offer CPR training. This is in line with promoting public health and safety. The more people become knowledgeable of critical lifesaving skills, the more chances that individuals are given the assistance they need during emergencies.

Our Mission Statement

It is our mission to help the healthcare industry improve quality of care by providing businesses with health professionals who understand the importance of efficient services and empathy.

Our Vision

We aim to help individuals receive health care that addresses their overall needs. With our training and staffing services, we strive to promote happy, comfortable, and healthy lives.